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Led Street Light Empty Housing

If you are in a city where the lights haven’t been upgraded to LED technology, your neighborhood is missing out. Across the country, cities are switching over to this greener, more energy efficient form of lighting. In Portland, Oregon, for example, 6,100 LED streetlights will be sprayed across the city over the next two years, reducing light pollution and saving the city $1 million in maintenance fees it once paid to keep up with old lighting fixtures.
Compared to traditional sodium and metal halide lamps, Led Street Light offer many advantages over their predecessors. These include longer life, lower power consumption, and improved aesthetics. Additionally, they are more environmentally friendly and less attractive to insects.
In addition to being energy efficient, LED lights have the ability to turn off and on instantaneously when they detect movement. This feature, combined with a smart sensor network, is designed to increase security. It’s also been proven to reduce crime rates in some areas.
Converting Your Streetlights to LED Technology
If your neighborhood doesn’t already have LED lighting, you can request a conversion through your local government. Some municipalities have established partnerships with utility companies to offer a financial incentive. Others have enlisted the help of a third-party company to handle conversions, often using an Energy Performance Contract.
A few ways to get started: 1. Make an online complaint with your utility about a malfunctioning or out-of-date light fixture 2. If your area is large, it may be worth contacting the local power authority and getting a survey of existing streetlights.
3. Start a petition for a larger-scale upgrade to LED lights in your community.
If you aren’t sure how to start a petition, you can contact your local city or township government for assistance. They can often provide information about the benefits of LEDs and the costs associated with converting your neighborhood’s lighting.
4. Talk to your neighbors about converting their streetlights.
In the case of neighborhoods with a high rate of crime, studies have shown that installing more LED lights in residential areas can reduce rates of mugging and other forms of crime. In fact, one study of a mall with high rates of car break-ins found that adding parking lot lights actually reduced the number of thefts.
5. Install sensors to track noise and traffic patterns.
As more and more cities switch over to greener, safer lighting systems, the technology has also become more advanced. It’s now possible to attach smart sensors to streetlights that can track environmental pollutants, noise modulation, and even traffic patterns.
In the case of public housing, these sensors can be used to identify the presence of drugs, alcohol or other illegal activities. Moreover, they can send notifications to residents about dangerous conditions. If the system is used properly, it can be a valuable tool for police and residents alike.

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